Ever felt like you are at the mercy of your emotions?

Like your body has been taken over by anxiety,
self-doubt or overwhelm?

Your emotions can drive you to exhaustion


become your very own GPS System and steer you toward what your heart desires.











What’s dictating the direction of your life?

You or your out-of-control emotions?


  • You have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or waking earlier than you would like.
  • You know you want to speak up and say, “No,” or ask for what you need, but anxiety blocks your words from getting out.
  • Worry or the need to “think ahead” keeps you from being present in the moment.
  • You shut down or say things you later regret when an argument arises.
  • You have a tendency to go to worst possible case scenarios or become hypercritical of yourself when you face an upsetting situation.
  • You find you need help relaxing and turn to food or drinks for emotional comfort after a tough day.
  • You have a hard time getting out of mucky emotional states.
  • Fear or doubt are holding you back from living your dreams.

Emotions are your body’s way of telling you something valuable.

It’s through your emotions that you know whether or not something is aligned with your heart.

Of course, it’s easy when life is going well to say “Yes! I want more of that. Give me more of that!”

Do you tend to run away before you can hear the message you’re actually receiving?

What I’ve learned to be true is that message holds the key to your freedom.

Answers to questions like...

  • Why do you feel stuck?

  • Why you can’t you sleep?

  • What kind of boundaries you need to set to feel more comfortable?

  • Who and what do you need to surround yourself with day-to-day?

  • Whether or not to drop one thing for the other?

  • Why do your relationships never seem to work out?

  • What is the best decision for you?

When you begin to navigate life with your emotional compass... you begin to make the best choices for your heart.

Alexandra Jamieson
Wellness Expert, Author, TV Personality

"I've worked with many energy healers in my life, but WOW! I knew Lara, but I didn't know all she could do...until she pulled me and my body out of a debilitating migraine headache at a retreat where we were both teaching. 

Amazed, I went for another session, and she blew me away again by helping me uncover a deep desire and clear the fear that had been holding me back from realizing it. 

She's the real deal. So glad to know someone like her exists, a real body whisperer." 

See, the way you unconsciously react to stress is FIRST physical, NOT emotional.

You can’t rationalize away this programming that was formulated in the early years of your childhood. The way you react to stress is a deeply ingrained pattern designed to keep you safe.

When you were a kid, you learned how best to survive in your family’s household. You adapted to your parents’ way of being, so you could get your needs met and stay in their good graces, so you wouldn't be abandoned. 

If your caregivers got angry when you complained…
You may have learned to stifle your needs, hide your true feelings, and learn to live with anxiety.

If loved ones gave you candy instead of true care or love when you were upset…
You may have learned to turn to food for comfort instead of being able to ask for what you really need.

If your caregiver told you to stop crying and just be a “good girl or boy”…
You may have learned that expressing your feelings is weak, bad, and in order to be loved your feelings are something to be controlled (not expressed).

If your caregiver was anxious, troubled or unstable…
You may have learned you have to take care of someone else’s emotional needs in order to stay safe.

The Tough Truth is...
We either become our caregivers by reacting to stress the same way they did, or by treating ourselves the same way they treated us when we were upset.

It’s time to learn how to re-parent yourself.

Your authentic feelings are the truest expression of who you are at any given moment.

When you learn how to acknowledge your feelings and to soothe yourself…..

You are acknowledging you are worthy of your own attention, care and compassion.


Freed from the anxieties and worries that have kept you stuck and awake at night.

Feeling secure and receiving all you need.

Enjoying truly living your life versus checking off your “to do” list.

Having real conversations with your kids, family, and friends without fear of rejection, hurt feelings, or destroying the relationship altogether...

Actually enjoying the holidays the way you’d like to celebrate without any outside pressure of what you “should” be doing…

Keeping promises to yourself, feeling worthy, and finally knowing what it feels like to trust yourself...



Lara Riggio’s Central Park Energy Center is located in the heart of New York City at the base of the park. Her approach to energy work is very New York--realistic and results oriented. She has helped tens of thousands alleviate stress, anxiety, insomnia, muscle and joint pain, fatigue and the limiting emotional patterns and beliefs that can sabotage relationships and career success in her sessions, classes and online videos. She has been featured in HuffPost, MindBodyGreen and Prevention, and on CW11’s Morning Show, NY 1 and Fox News.


Lara Riggio’s Central Park Energy Center is located in the heart of New York City at the base of the park. Her approach to energy work is very New York--realistic and results oriented. She has helped tens of thousands alleviate stress, anxiety, insomnia, muscle and joint pain, fatigue and the limiting emotional patterns and beliefs that can sabotage relationships and career success in her sessions, classes and online videos. She has been featured in HuffPost, MindBodyGreen and Prevention, and on CW11’s Morning Show, NY 1 and Fox News.

This course is different because it re-trains your physical reaction to stress.


Western Doctors will tell you that it is essential to cut down your emotional stress and urge you to better control it. But they don’t tell you how.

Eastern Healing doesn't separate the physical from the emotional.

I began studying energy work 17 years ago when it cured me of chronic fatigue.

A side effect - as it re-energized me, it also relieved my anxiety!

You see, inherent in both your meridian + chakra systems are physical and emotional solutions.

You have felt this….Certain emotions can make you feel tense. Sick to your stomach. Or create a literal pain in your neck or ass! LOL!

Tapping certain points related to say the Stomach Meridian can help calm your sick stomach and also alleviate the worry that contributed to it.

While balancing your Second Chakra can help you overcome self-worth issues and help you with constipation too! It gives new meaning to the idea of letting go and letting it flow, lol! 😜

A 6-week program to finally understand your emotions and YES! Master them so they inform your growth instead of blocking it.
I've taken everything I've learned from over 15 years of client practice and created an interactive course to teach you how to feel more connected, secure, and comfortable throughout each day and for the rest of your life.

You'll learn my step-by-step process for transforming upset into inspired action. And more importantly, you'll be re-parenting yourself, too.

We’ll be reprogramming how you have automatically been reacting to stress your whole life! With simple, quick, and effective exercises throughout your day to give you the ultimate authority over your emotional responses so you can finally have emotional relief.

The end result: A new way of living that provides you with more ease, relaxation and joy! (Also, sleep. Because we could all use more sleep, right?)

Terri Cole
Licensed Psychotherapist, Master Coach, & Author of Boundary Boss

Lara’s work wows me. My first session, Lara healed a habitual transference reaction I had experienced with my sister many times over our lives together. After that experience with Lara, it never happened again.

With therapy, I can get people to a certain point and then sometimes, things are just stuck in the body. And that's where Lara comes in.

In the last decade, I have referred many of my psychotherapy clients to Lara, with amazing results. I have never known a more intuitive healer who can quickly and accurately get to the core issue and offer real solutions. Do yourself a favor and work with Lara. You will thank me!


Each week you will receive:

  • A 15- 20 minute training to teach you the tools and strategies for that module.
  • Two energy balancing exercises, a short morning and evening routine to help you physically release fear, anxiety, worry, grief, any upsetting emotion and empower you to feel greater ease, confidence and freedom.
  • Online cheerleading and support.

Stop Reacting and Live More From a Place of Choice

  • Learn how to become more aware of what you are feeling and what it means you need.
  • Practice quick and easy exercises, which free you from anxiety, grief, anger, doubt, guilt, or any other upsets.
  • Use my system to redirect your focus and energy toward what you want versus what is upsetting.

Feeling Connected and Emotionally Secure

  • Get more in touch with your gut instincts.
  • Release energy from traumatic experiences.
  • Ground yourself in your connection to the earth and your humanity.

Feeling Complete and Comfortable Being Seen and Heard

  • Uncover the You that existed before any emotional wounding took place.
  • Reconnect with your inner child and sense of play, creativity, and wonder.
  • Get to know your worth.

Feeling More Empowered to Be Yourself

  • Discover the why behind always feeling like you “should."
  • Unearth how it feels to own your power and your purpose.
  • Become more conscious of what you want.

Feeling Loved and Self Expressed

  • Uncover why you’ve had trouble with relationships and expressing yourself fully.
  • Release your blocks to both giving and receiving love.
  • Finally feel comfortable expressing your wants, needs, and inner truth with love and grace.

Feeling Connected to your Intuition and Spiritual Guidance

  • Tap into your intuitive capabilities.
  • Open your ability to see new possibilities and opportunities for yourself.
  • Discover the spiritual realm and tap into your Higher Power and your Soul’s Potential.


6 Video Modules

Explain how emotional patterns and limiting beliefs get formulated throughout your emotional development from infancy through adulthood and help you uncover why you react to stress and see yourself, your relationships and the world the way you do.

12 Energy Exercises

Two weekly energy balancing exercises, a short morning and evening routine help you physically release fear, anxiety, worry, grief, any upsetting emotion, and empower you to feel greater ease, confidence, and freedom.

6 Emotional Guidance Worksheets

Help you understand and separate your reactions to your past from what's happening now in your present, so you can consciously make choices which honor your heart’s desires for your future versus your reactions to your past.

6 Q and A Livestreams

To answer your questions and coach you through successfully integrating the course’s tools and strategies.

Access to a members-only Private Community

Where Lara answers questions and you can learn from one another on her educational platform.

Lara’s "Releasing Obsessive Emotions" Guide

with 1-minute exercises to release specific emotions like worry, fear, and self-doubt in minutes!

Lara’s "Better Sleep Guide" Complete with Exercises

to calm your mind and body before bed so you get a more restive night’s sleep, complete with a chart with specific poses to help you get back to sleep at specific hours if you are prone to waking.

Lara’s "Inner Wisdom" Chakra Meditation

to help you access the intelligence and inner strength within you and give you the courage to overcome any obstacles.



  • 6 Video Modules
  • 12 Energy Exercises
  • 6 Emotional Guidance Worksheets
  • 6 LIVE Q&A Livestreams
  • Access to a members-only Private Community
  • Lifetime Access and a 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • Lara’s Releasing Obsessive Emotions Guide
  • Lara’s Better Sleep Guide Complete with Exercises
  • Lara’s Inner Wisdom Chakra Meditation



$88/m (USD)



$247 (USD)



Within 14 days of the course starting, you can ‘test-drive’ Emotional Mastery. If after completing Modules 1 and 2 you aren’t satisfied with the program, simply send us an email along with proof of your completed homework and exercises, and we will refund your tuition to the program. That’s just the right thing to do.

Nicola Kraus
Co-author Nanny Diaries

Working with Lara has changed my life dramatically. I know I can better handle whatever comes my way. Whenever a situation throws me for a loop, instead of reacting, I take a breath and calm myself with one of Lara’s exercises. In five minutes; I’m grounded. And then I take action from that calm, centered place.

By doing that my life is so much easier and more fun than it was two years ago. I really credit Lara for this amazing change. 

Kate Duff
SEO, Vizability

Before working with Lara, I was frustrated and upset by the ups and downs of my business.

Now, situations which would have gotten to me in the past no longer phase me. Learning how to calm myself with her magical exercises and transform unproductive narratives, she has helped me become a happier person and business owner all around. " 

Have questions?

The people who see the biggest results usually do.

What makes Emotional Mastery so different?


This course is designed with a busy lifestyle in mind. Clients report immediate tension and emotional relief from the exercises you do daily in the course. When you can feel the rewards of doing “the work” you are motivated to continue to do it. With quick and impactful exercises spread throughout your day, this course helps you feel the difference you are already making in your life as you move through the course.


While other courses may "explain" a lot of amazing things, unless you are able to actually “do” what you have learned without too much emotional resistance, you are likely to stay stuck. This is not a “think positive” approach.  You cannot “think” or rationalize these physical reactions to stress away. It’s impossible, that’s why it’s so difficult to change. The quick and emotionally freeing exercises in EM help you physically retrain your response to stress. The same way you can train to run a race, you can train your body and brain a little bit every day to feel more confident and at ease speaking your truth and following your heart’s desires.


Lara’s results driven approach to energy work demonstrates her commitment to making a difference in your life. Before and after every exercise, Lara asks you to rate how you feel. Each week, you will be asked to answer a series of questions to help you determine how you are practically using all you are learning to help stay accountable to your commitment to yourself and stay engaged with your growth process.



  • 6 Video Modules
  • 12 Energy Exercises
  • 6 Emotional Guidance Worksheets
  • 6 Q&A Livestreams
  • Access to a members-only Private Community
  • Lifetime Access and a 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • Lara’s Releasing Obsessive Emotions Guide
  • Lara’s Better Sleep Guide Complete with Exercises
  • Lara’s Inner Wisdom Chakra Meditation
  • Access to Lara’s Energy Hack Library



$88/m (USD)



$247 (USD)